Election Worker
Montgomery County Board of Elections, MD
Gaithersburg, MD, USA
30+ days ago
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The Montgomery County Board of Elections is seeking registered voters to serve as election workers during early voting and for the Presidential General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 

Due to the diversity within the county, voters who speak multiple languages are encouraged to apply. Voters who are fluent in both English and Spanish are especially needed in each polling place to meet the requirements of Section 203 of the 1975 Voting Rights Act which stipulates that bilingual Spanish speaker be available at the polling places.

Students 16 years old or older are eligible to register to vote and serve as election workers.  Each minor must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Maryland State Board of Elections, that they meet all qualifications for registration in the State. Students serving as election workers may choose to earn up to 25 Student Service Learning (SSL) credits in lieu of the stipend.

To serve in this paid volunteer position all election workers must be registered to vote in the State of Maryland, able to speak, read, and write the English language, and cannot hold, or be a candidate for, public or party office. In addition, election workers may not serve as a campaign manager for a candidate or as treasurer for any campaign finance entity.

Training is required and will be provided to all election workers. This includes an online quiz, virtual training and in-person classroom training. Volunteers will be paid for completing training and working the election. We offer several different positions, all-day and part day, as advertised at ------------. 


Position Description & Stipend/SSL Amounts:  https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Elections/ElectionJudge/jobdescription.html

Getting Started: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Elections/ElectionJudge/GettingStarted.html 

High School Election Workers:  https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Elections/FutureVote/school-poll-workers.html 

Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/Elections/FrequentlyAskedQuestions/electionworker-faqs.html